Farmizen - Red Globe Grapes - Organically Grown | Pre-Orders | Bangalore

Ajinkya Tidke

Red Globe Grapes - Organically Grown - 1 Kg


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Red Globe grapes are distinctively large and round. They have large seeds, a crisp skin, fleshy pulp and are pinkish red in color. These are preferred for table consumption.

Red Globe Grapes contain significant amounts of vitamins A, C, and K, and contain flavonoids, such as resveratrol, which provide high antioxidant qualities that can help boost overall health.

These grapes are best suited for raw applications and are most often eaten fresh, out-of-hand. They can be used in fruit salads, smoothies, sorbets, sandwiches, and on green salads.

In addition to adding the grapes raw to dishes, they can also be roasted in curries, roasted and spread on toast with creamy cheeses, or cooked down into sauces, syrups, and jams.

Check out these 10 creative ways to add more grapes to your diet

They can be add to your weight loss diet as a mid-day snack. They are lower in calories as compared to green grapes and can help you control calorie consumption through the day.

These contain various nutrients that can help improve immunity, skin and hair health, and make your bones stronger. Rich in Vitamin C, A, B6, potassium, calcium, iron and phosphorous, red globe grapes can help in keeping you and your family healthy. 

About the farmer:
Ajinkya has studied BSC Agriculture, & following organic farming from last three years. He has farm of 103 acres in Nashik out of which almost 100 acres of land he is using to grow different varieties of grapes. 70% of his produce is exported.

1 unit = 950-1050 gm

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