Deepak Waghchawde
Super Sonaka Grapes (Seedless) - Organically Grown - 1 KG
These grapes are the Super Sonaka variety - green and juicy with elongated berries. Packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can take your overall health to the next level.
They are grown naturally using combination of Jeevamruth and Ghana Jeevamruth. No hazardous chemicals, pesticides, fungicides or herbicides used. This is very important - because grapes are 5th ranked in the dirty dozen list of food with the most pesticide residues.
Check out why you should include grapes in your diet
Grapes won’t be sweet right now since it’s very early in the season
Farm Location : https://maps.app.goo.gl/7qubnAMKQjXtkBxZ6
1 unit = 950 gm to 1050 gm
They are grown naturally using combination of Jeevamruth and Ghana Jeevamruth. No hazardous chemicals, pesticides, fungicides or herbicides used. This is very important - because grapes are 5th ranked in the dirty dozen list of food with the most pesticide residues.
Check out why you should include grapes in your diet
Grapes won’t be sweet right now since it’s very early in the season
Farm Location : https://maps.app.goo.gl/7qubnAMKQjXtkBxZ6
1 unit = 950 gm to 1050 gm