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Blue Oasis Farm
Dried Chiryata Herb - Natural - 50 GM
The herb is packed with many different nutrients that together make it a lifesaver. These include some antioxidants, alkaloids, and glycosides like xanthones, chiratanin, chiratol, palmitic acid, to name a few.
Chiryata is best herbal remedy for many ailments. From toddler to adult this herb is safe and keeps you healthy. It's best for detoxifying the body toxins, for flu, for diabetes, hypertension and for worm infestation,
Regular consumption of this keeps you active and alert.
Boil 1 glass of water add 6 twigs and boil it until it becomes half , this decoction drink it in empty stomach. The herb is bitter, you can have a piece of jaggery if you feel too bitter.
About Blue Oasis Farm
Life is a rat’s race where everyone struggles to be better than the other in every way. Of all the possibilities, we end up sacrificing our dreams and comfort to earn better, in order to make our lives better.
Having realized that we do not want to follow that path, we started farming and found out that this helps us to live a contented life.
A healthy days work
A satisfied tummy
A good nights sleep
———who needs more
Location :
Chiryata is best herbal remedy for many ailments. From toddler to adult this herb is safe and keeps you healthy. It's best for detoxifying the body toxins, for flu, for diabetes, hypertension and for worm infestation,
Regular consumption of this keeps you active and alert.
Boil 1 glass of water add 6 twigs and boil it until it becomes half , this decoction drink it in empty stomach. The herb is bitter, you can have a piece of jaggery if you feel too bitter.
About Blue Oasis Farm
Life is a rat’s race where everyone struggles to be better than the other in every way. Of all the possibilities, we end up sacrificing our dreams and comfort to earn better, in order to make our lives better.
Having realized that we do not want to follow that path, we started farming and found out that this helps us to live a contented life.
A healthy days work
A satisfied tummy
A good nights sleep
———who needs more
Location :
Delivery Note:
Expected delivery between Mar 10th (Mon) and Mar 16th (Sun)