Farmizen Network
Red Amaranthus - Organically Grown - 1 Bunch (200 gm to 250 gm )
Amaranth plants can reach heights of over 2 meters tall with fleshy oval shaped leaves that are sometimes pointed at the tips. Some varieties have a deep maroon center of the leaf with streaks of red, purple and green. The Red variety produces feathery purple, magenta or red flowers from the central stalk which is packed with edible seeds. Though the flower buds are edible, once they mature and become bushy they are not palatable and should be avoided. The young leaves are slightly astringent when raw, but are nutty and mild, like spinach. Larger, more mature leaves are best for stewing or braising, similarly to a chard or beet green.
Delivery Note:
Expected delivery on Jan 16th (Thu)