Growing Greens
Beetroot Microgreens - Natural - 100 Gm
Red beet
Micro red beet has bright red stems topped with two elon- gated ovate leaves. Their upper surface is a dusty green tinged in red while the underside is a light burgundy with deep ma- genta veining: Micro Bull's Blood is tender and sweet with a distinct beet-like flavor. Its earthy taste and aroma, simi- lar to that of spinach.
Beet greens are treasured for their vibrant red stems, which lends a stunning, bold look to a composed dish.
Micro red beet has bright red stems topped with two elon- gated ovate leaves. Their upper surface is a dusty green tinged in red while the underside is a light burgundy with deep ma- genta veining: Micro Bull's Blood is tender and sweet with a distinct beet-like flavor. Its earthy taste and aroma, simi- lar to that of spinach.
Beet greens are treasured for their vibrant red stems, which lends a stunning, bold look to a composed dish.