Sarjapura Curries
Mustard Greens - Organically Grown - 1 bunch
Mustard greens are leafy vegetables from the mustard plant (Brassica juncea), widely used in cuisines worldwide for their sharp, peppery flavor. They're nutrient-dense, rich in vitamins A, C, and K, along with fiber, calcium, and antioxidants.
About Sarjapura Curries:
Suresh Kumar, an artist, built Sarjapura Curries with the intention of preserving traditional culinary cultures, converting farmers in his village to organic farming and produce heirloom seeds to encourage their usage. But all this while treating his farming project like a work of art. Check out his his fascinating journey from the below video !!
About Sarjapura Curries:
Suresh Kumar, an artist, built Sarjapura Curries with the intention of preserving traditional culinary cultures, converting farmers in his village to organic farming and produce heirloom seeds to encourage their usage. But all this while treating his farming project like a work of art. Check out his his fascinating journey from the below video !!